Disclamers and about.

Welcome, dear non-existent reader. I hope I am able to provide some insight for you, if you do exist, but the real purpose is to have a documented version of every thought I consider worthy of jotting down. Take everything in relativity and pay it no mind, it's but the opinion of a mind plague with many flaws and imperfections. Do enjoy your stay.

I do not wish to make your or my life any better or worse. I wish to relieve things that do not exist from existence. Thought it may seem a negative outlook on life, many of the things I say can free you. Everyone is disposable, thus you are free to make as many mistakes with people as you can, as long as you can cope with consequence. There is no greater purpose in living and everyone is worthless, ergo whatever you do you cannot fail, you are free to try.
I also don't proof read my stuff.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Shit I need to remember to verify maybe

  •  Being gay is natural selection.
  •  The only thing that can be perfect is pure inexistence(not: things you imagined that don't exist).
  •  Everyone is stupid.
  •  There are no judeo-christian gods, and no poly-theistic religion gods either.
  •  Fetishes derive from the subconscious due to some event.
  •  There is no reason for us to ponder the workings of things or even us being rational.
  •  Racism is part of survival instinct and/or natural selection.
  •  Everything living beings do is due to survival instinct.
  •  Most stupid people want to stand out, therfore do stupid stuff. They all believe they are unique.
  • Sleep has no function to the phyiscal body, just to the brain, therefore pysical fatigue due to lack of sleep doesn't exist.
  • All we say and do is the result of a cognitive process, conscious or subconscious, everything we do has a reason beside surivial instinct OR is our understanding of survival instinct.

1 comment:

  1. Being gay is a fetish, and like in most cases with a fetish it is from spongedom.

    I am perfect, you are stupid and a nerd.

    There is no reason fullstop

    And the rest, "pretty much".
