Disclamers and about.

Welcome, dear non-existent reader. I hope I am able to provide some insight for you, if you do exist, but the real purpose is to have a documented version of every thought I consider worthy of jotting down. Take everything in relativity and pay it no mind, it's but the opinion of a mind plague with many flaws and imperfections. Do enjoy your stay.

I do not wish to make your or my life any better or worse. I wish to relieve things that do not exist from existence. Thought it may seem a negative outlook on life, many of the things I say can free you. Everyone is disposable, thus you are free to make as many mistakes with people as you can, as long as you can cope with consequence. There is no greater purpose in living and everyone is worthless, ergo whatever you do you cannot fail, you are free to try.
I also don't proof read my stuff.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Who I am, an objective analysis.

      I'm not to tall, not to short, though maybe shorter than the usual guy. I'm 5'7" , or in normal people measuring systems, 167 cm. Though I am not sure how much I weigh, I am generally skinny-regular build, with a bit more fat around my stomach. I do have a bit of muscle on my legs and arms, probably from ages of "handy" work.
      My face has several imperfections, ranging from eyebags that are starting to expand up to the side, some weird creases on my cheeks, just under the cheek bones and two bumps under my mouth from when I was hit in the face with a swing. That probably messed up a bit one of my front teeth as well. I have a pretty large nose. My hair is way too puffy when freshly washed, but generally looks decent after a few days. Both my eyes and hair are dark brown. I sport a trimmed goatee, though I plan to let it just grow.
     I tend to walk in a nervous manner, sometimes staring at the ground, maybe slightly haunched. Whenever I feel that people are watching me, my walking gets even more awkward and stressed. I don't generally look at people in the eye, especially if I don't know them, avoiding eye contact at most times. I have a bit of trouble hearing, so usually I have people repeat things until I get them right or just assume I did so the first time. My eyes are pretty bad too, I wear distance glasses. I can see fine up close, but further than maybe 5 meters  I start having trouble reading signs and posts. I get tired easily when running or any other heavy oxygen intake thing, one of my nostrils being blocked off by a mixture of cartilage.
     I eat very little each day, sometimes just one meal, sometimes just a bunch of snacks. I do not care for healthy food, I eat based on what I feel like tasting and judge foods on taste only.
     I am a very lazy person, up to the point that I pick doing everything at the last moment. I do things half-assed. I don't pour much effort into what I'm doing. I do not like meeting new people at all, and dislike being around people in general. I don't want to indulge in human interaction at all, but at the same time, sometimes I feel the need to talk. I also have an immense craving for affection to contradict my dislike of people. It's maybe because I grew up receiving very little affection. Could be because I am stupid enough to believe in the concept of love. I dislike change in general, if you already found something that works, you better stick to it. It's hard, even for me, to understand how I act around people. I guess to most people I know, I have another side that takes something from their personality to adapt to them easier. I tend to try to make jokes, most of which are not really amusing. I am introverted and highly opinionated. I would rather not speak most of the time. When I do say something, it usually turns into a disagreement argument which I either win or just verbally beat up the other person until they give up. The two friends with which I used to walk home from school had a policy of not arguing with me on account of the fact they'd always lose. I have few friends, most of which are based on mutual interest for video games, playing them together and occasionally eating/drinking out. I can count 7 or 8 people in the category.
     I am not very creative, thought sometimes I do get a good idea which I fail to translate properly into a drawing, considering I was too lazy to ever improve my technique. I find writing much easier than drawing, though I know most of the time what I am typing isn't interesting at all.
     I view my principles highly, but I am too stupid at times to respect them. These are probably the only positive things I find about myself. I value honesty, honour and fairness very much.
     I have been told many times that I am smart, regarding academic pursuit, though I do not agree. My memory had and has the tendency to remember important things straight out from classes, so I seldom had the need to study. Other than that, I am pretty dumb and would rather know theoretical things rather than practical ones.
     All I do all day is mostly sit inside. I play video games and surf the internet generally. Other than this, I will maybe draw or write. The only times I step out of the house is where beer or pizza are mentioned and when I have to do something I can't avoid.
     I come off as a negative person, but it's something I'd like to call realism. I always expect the worse because with expecting the worse your disposition can only go up or stay steady rather than fall.
     There is probably a lot more to say, but for now that's all I can think of. Maybe I'll continue some other time. As a short summary, I am an ugly, short, skinnyfat awkward antisocial moron. The irony of writing this is that I am listening to a song titled "I am perfection" while doing it. I thought that was kind of funny.

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