Disclamers and about.

Welcome, dear non-existent reader. I hope I am able to provide some insight for you, if you do exist, but the real purpose is to have a documented version of every thought I consider worthy of jotting down. Take everything in relativity and pay it no mind, it's but the opinion of a mind plague with many flaws and imperfections. Do enjoy your stay.

I do not wish to make your or my life any better or worse. I wish to relieve things that do not exist from existence. Thought it may seem a negative outlook on life, many of the things I say can free you. Everyone is disposable, thus you are free to make as many mistakes with people as you can, as long as you can cope with consequence. There is no greater purpose in living and everyone is worthless, ergo whatever you do you cannot fail, you are free to try.
I also don't proof read my stuff.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


In a random rush 5 minutes after I sat down, someone patted my shoulder and pulled me off my bus seat so that some old woman could stay in it. And I just went along without thinking. Probably because I need to grow a pair, because the bitch who did this sat her 40 cm tall baby on the seat next to her like she couldn’t just hold him in her arms to free a seat. I hate small children and the elderly, and I always did. I do realize I was small and I will eventually grow old, but  when I was small I wasn’t a spazzy noisy spoiled piece of shit, and I won’t smell like shit and litter the streets walking slowly and getting in everyone’s way when I’ll be old. I need to grow some balls and actually say what I think.
‘Life’s too short to complicate’? No, it isn’t. To say something like that you have to have a weak notion of time, because life is the longest thing you get to actually do. Just saying, I know it’s a metaphor. But it’s not like because I don’t go out as much I don’t live my life. The only case in which you aren’t living is when you’re not. I mean being dead, of course. I do like getting drunk and dancing and all that crap, just not every Friday night. I just like a quiet evening, a beer, a talk, the good stuff.
‘A gentleman will walk but never run’. Some people are the right people at the wrong time, some the wrong people at the right time. Sometimes I feel like the wrong person at the wrong time. If I were to chose a place to be born, as stereotypical as it is,  I’d chose either Victorian England or 70’s England. I know the conditions aren’t as great, but I just like those cultural ages. I’d probably change my ideas if I’d have actually lived in those times, but then again it’s the human condition: always displeased with the things you have. If it’s winter it’s too cold, if it’s summer, too hot. If you’re rich you’re unhappy, if you’re poor you’re struggling to survive. I’ve talked about this before, but extremes are always bad. Also depriving yourself of something and giving it back after a while brings happiness. We should alternate our lifestyles to be happier, maybe. Maybe. Mayb’.

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